The Industreweb Collect runtime includes a high speed logic engine to enable Users to create rulesets that reflect functionality they would like to achieve.

Industreweb Collect Logic Engine Program

Industreweb Collect Logic Engine Program

In the above example a thermocouple sensor is returning a value to a PLC that is being read using the appropriate Collect Connector. When the value exceeds 33°C the Event will return True, which will then get Collect to execute three Actions, the first sending an SMS to the maintenance technician, the second setting a flag in a different PLC to light a warning light stack, and the last to write the exact value to a database.

Industreweb Program list
Industreweb Program list

Multiple programs can be created to perform different functions by simply clicking Add Program which opens the drag'n'drop Program Editor. Programs can be edited at your leisure and deployed to the Collect Runtime once you are happy with the functionality.

Industreweb Program Editor example - Event
Industreweb Program Editor example - Event

The above figure shows the Industreweb Program Editor where the Event is created by using READ and GREATERTHAN commands.

Industreweb Program Editor example - Action
Industreweb Program Editor example - Action

The above figure shows the Program Editor for the Action that will trigger an SMS sending service, where the body of the message will contain the actual value of the temperature.